Liliza Custom Link

Regular price R 550.00
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All details as follows

1) dog mom keychain (current product) with a small white heart acrylic charm
I would like to have the Dog Mom keychain from your website but in a different colour, like pink, peach or coral, and then added on to the disk, a small white heart like the red heart reference below. - Coral and white heart
1 @ R135

2) “Don’t lose these” keychain with extra white small heart charm
I want a beige or neutral colour for this, and the small heart charm can be white.
1 x Nude frosted with extra white heart
1 x Blush frosted with extra white heart
1 x Dove vintage with extra white heart
@ R50 
x 3 - R150

3) Dinosaur keychain
Similar to reference below, but without a name. I would like it to be a green acrylic.
1 x Macha vintage 
1 @ R40

4) “you’re bored, not hungry” fridge magnet
1 layer, with no holes 
2 x Fizz vintage 
1 x Aqua pastel 

Note: I will add the magnets to the acrylic pieces myself:)
@ R60 each
x 3 - R180
5) Acrylic coaster
I would like to have an organic-shaped coaster, from a frosted acrylic (clear or colour). Reference below, but I am going to use a better shape. Size around a 100mm:)
1 x clear frosted 
@ R45

We are developing these already and will they be live soon 

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